Alec Morton是英国思克莱德商学院教授,博士生导师。他科研成果显著,在Operations Research和Risk Analysis等管理学国际顶级期刊及医疗领域的顶级期刊Health Economics和Journal of Health Economics发表过多篇论文,截止目前发表SCI期刊论文100余篇,编著和专著15本,论文被同行广泛引用,并获得多个奖项。Alec Morton教授同时担任EURO Journal on Decision Processes的主编,以及IIE Transactions和OR Spectrum期刊的副主编,是Decision Analysis编委会成员,并在其它国际期刊任职。
This talk will cover some theoretical and practical problems in the handing of situations where decision makers can take a number of policy actions which have differential impacts across a population. We will contextualise and motivate our discussion by presenting a case study of healthcare prioritisation on the Isle of Wight (England, UK) and present some novel technical machinery which might help support decision making when there is a concern about inequality but a reluctance to specify precise tradeoffs between gains to different population subgroups. The research journey reported in the talk covers 10 years from motivating case study through reflection and theoretic development to the publication of the final research outputs. I will conclude with some reflections on the relationship between theory and practice in Management Science.